Pleased as pie to introduce to you our latest blog feature - the Tone Farm Mailbag. Got an idea? Got a gripe? Or just want to share something with our vast, influential readership? The 'Bag is here for you!
Jon -
One post since last May!! Really - - I counted. WTF?
Waiting - Forever, IN
Waiting -
One word: summer. Winter in my parts lasts 6-7 months, so being an outdoor kind of dude - this time of the year is extremely precious. Meaning: I'd rather not spend them inside pecking away at a keyboard. With fall just around the corner, I should be "back in the saddle" soon. Thanks for being patient. - - J.
Hey Jon -
Just wondering what's up with that "Beano Feature" you promised something like a year ago.
E.C. - London, UK
E.C. -
Thanks for your e-mail. Funny you should mention that "Beano" feature. Truth is - I'm still kicking around a few of the tracks that'll be featured on the first installment. You should be hearing them soon, as well as enjoying the literary saviour fare' that will coincide. - - J.
Jon -
Did you give up on writing CD reviews? I haven't seen anything even remotely new as far as your review material goes. What up, dog?
Anonymous - Tumbling Pebble Magazine
Anonymous -
To answer your question, no I did not give up on writing reviews. As James Reetz so eloquently points out in his Metallica review , there are so many other things that can draw time and attention away from freelance writing. For me, a part of it also has to do with insipration, and lately -I've found more of that in my playing than my writing. I'm hoping to get some reviews written for a few of 2009's essential CD's in the coming months, so stay tuned and keep the faith. - - J.
Tone Farm -
Seems to me that all I read / hear about at Tone Farm is old / classic / vintage stuff. There's a lot of cool new stuff happening in music these days, so why don't you clear the cobwebs off of your closet full of dusty relics, and get with the program?
Avenged 7X - Tatooville, USA
Dear Avenged -
If you've noticed a purposeful "lean" towards classic bands, vintage tones, and retro coolness at the Tone Farm - then you're not as stupid as your letter makes you out to be. We all draw our inspiration from somewhere, and at the 'Farm - those happen to be the things that make our world go 'round. From time to time, we'll hit on a few highlights in regards to music's "newer generation". But for our money - we'll always take Lennon or Jagger over Sinister whateverhisnameis. Good luck with your Hepatitus C. - - J.
To Whom It May Concern:
Let me just say that I wasn't very pleased with your review on Tesla's "Reel To Reel" project. Bands doing cover versions of their favorite songs shows an appreciation of the efforts made by rock's most influential bands in making great music. If you missed that, you're a putz.
Nikolai - Sacramento, CA
Nik -
I didn't miss anything in regards to that Tesla "Reel To Reel" Project. Covers are for lazy bands who need their meal ticket punched. Period. If I'm going to spend $35 of my hard-earned dollars hearing a band (*and NOT the original band, mind you) weave their own "magic" on songs made famous by some one else, then I'll just go and buy the REAL version - and save myself the hassle. Case and point is Tesla's most recent studio effort "Forever More", which clearly illustrates that they don't need to cover anyone else's material to merit consideration as one of rock's hardest-hitting and best-sounding outfits. - - J.
Well, that's all for this installment. Keep 'em coming. - - J.
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